Postgres User Poll Results – Part 1

Table of Contents

What is included in this blog post ?

In this blog post we are presenting poll results for several polls published on Linkedin by KloudDB . Poll topics included are 1) Type of replication people are using 2) Backup tool – Pgbackrest Vs WAL-G Vs pgbasebackup Vs BART/Barman/Pgprobackup etc.. 3) Postgres version being used 4) Favorite Postgres Visual Explain Tool 5) Oracle/MySQL DBAs learning Postgres ? 6) Pg_stat_statements loading by default ?

Poll 1 - Type of replication people are using

86 people participated in this poll . Streaming replication is the most popular one as expected . Some people are using logical replication – Logical replication is beneficial in some cases like major upgrades , replicating a subset of tables etc.. but it has several limitations like DDL operations are not replicated , Sequence data is not replicated . You can read about the limitations here . Also around 38% of people are using a combination of physical and logical replication . See below diagram for detailed information

Poll 2 - Pgbackrest Vs WAL-G Vs pgbasebackup Vs BART/Barman/Pgprobackup

124 people participated in this poll – As expected pgbackrest is the most popular tool . Around 31% are using pg_basebackup . WAL-G is only used by 4% of the respondents . Pg_probackup/bart/barman etc.. are used by 16% – Pg_probackup has good features like validation etc..but somehow it is not widely popular .   See below diagram for detailed information

Poll 3 - Postgres version being used

131 people participated in this poll and around 70% are using PG 13 and PG 14 . Only 22% are using PG 12 – See below diagram for detailed information

Poll 4 - Favorite Postgres Visual Explain Tool

48 people participated in this poll . Around 44% of the respondents are using Depesz – Dalibo and Pgmustard are also good tools . See below diagram for detailed information

Poll 5 - Oracle/MySQL DBAs learning Postgres ?

31 people participated in this poll and almost 80% of the respondents evinced interest in learning Postgres .  See below diagram for detailed information

Poll 6 - Pg_stat_statements loading by default

65 people participated in this poll. Around 90% of the respondents agree that this is a pain and should be loaded by default. See below diagram for detailed information

More polls coming up - Why are user polls important ?

We will continue to publish more polls on a regular basis – We thank everyone who participated in these polls . Polls are pretty useful to know the trends . Also from the pg_stat_statements poll , we came to know that majority of respondents think that this is a pain and hope this will be addressed in future versions of PG


This is part 1 of the user poll series . Check our performance articles –Pg_fincore and pg_buffercache to troubleshoot performance issues , Pgbouncer multiple instances(How we increased our TPS using multiple instances) , Postgres and temporary files , Pgpool and performance tuning, How we improved Lambda performance by 130x etc..

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