Aurora PostgreSQL Gotchas – Part 1

There are some important gotchas that you have to take into consideration when you manage Aurora PostgreSQL.This is part -1 of the series where we showcase four important differences between standard PostgreSQL and Aurora PostgreSQL

1) Shared_buffers config is different

Standard PostgreSQL runs on a file system and depends on the file system cache in addition to the PostgreSQL buffer cache. We typically allocate 25% of RAM to shared_buffers in standard PostgreSQL. But in Aurora PostgreSQL the standard is 75% of RAM (Defaults to 75% when you provision the instance) . There is no concept of double buffering in Aurora PostgreSQL

2) Pg_hba file can not be updated

In Standard PostgreSQL we use pg_hba.conf to restrict access . In Aurora we cannot make any changes to “pg_hba.conf” neither directly nor via any tables which we can update to edit “pg_hba.conf”.

So what is the substitute in Aurora then ?

  1. Security groups – We define inbound and outbound rules for the traffic coming from/to the RDS instance.
  2. NACLs –  If you want to control traffic in and out of one or more subnets then you can use Network ACL.

One thing to note here is that in hba file , we use user+database+ip+authmethod,.. combination to restrict traffic . With security group you can’t define similar combinations

We still have system catalog view pg_hba_file_rules in Aurora . Below is default view in version 12

postgres=> select * from pg_hba_file_rules ;

 line_number |     type          |   database    | user_name  | address       | netmask | auth_method | options | error 
     4       |     local         | {all}         | {all}      |               |         |   md5       |         | 
    10       |     host          | {all}         | {rdsadmin} | samehost      |         |   md5       |         | 
    11       |     host          | {all}         | {rdsadmin} | all           |         |   reject    |         | 
    12       |     host          | {rdsadmin}    | {all}      | all           |         |   reject    |         | 
    13       |     host          | {all}         | {all}      | all           |         |   md5       |         | 
    14       |     host          | {replication} | {all}      | samehost      |         |   md5       |         | 
(6 rows)

Once we modify Aurora PostgreSQL Cluster to enable “force ssl” Line_number 13 was updated for ssl
postgres=> select * from pg_hba_file_rules ;

 line_number |     type          |   database    | user_name  | address       | netmask | auth_method | options | error 
     4       |     local         | {all}         | {all}      |               |         |   md5       |         | 
    10       |     host          | {all}         | {rdsadmin} | samehost      |         |   md5       |         | 
    11       |     host          | {all}         | {rdsadmin} | all           |         |   reject    |         | 
    12       |     host          | {rdsadmin}    | {all}      | all           |         |   reject    |         | 
    13       |     hostssl       | {all}         | {all}      | all           |         |   md5       |         | 
    14       |     host          | {replication} | {all}      | samehost      |         |   md5       |         | 
(6 rows)

3) Max_connection defaults are different

The value of max_connections in the default DB parameter group for Aurora PostgreSQL is set to the lower of two values derived from the  function: LEAST({DBInstanceClassMemory/9531392},5000) . In below image you can see an example scenario . Using the formula here , db.r6g.2xlarge instance defaults to 5000 (max_connections limit). In Standard PostgreSQL (12) default is 100 for max_connections

4) Pg_stat_statements rest might not work

When you try to invoke pg_stat_statements_reset you might get “permission denied “ error .

postgres=>  SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();

ERROR:  permission denied for function pg_stat_statements_reset

‘pg_stat_statements_reset’ function needs to be granted to the rds_superuser role.

grant all on function pg_stat_statements_reset to rds_superuser;

So once you add required permissions you can see that reset works (See screenshot above)

There are other roles like rds_replication(Logical replication) , rdsadmin(Used internally by Aurora) that you might notice when working with Aurora

Please stay tuned and we will post more gotchas in part 2

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